How I optimize VRChat avatars in Unity and Blender without much 3D modeling experience.

These are my notes compiled from lots of googling, watching videos, and trial and error. There are probably better ways to do things here, and I would love to know if so :)


Last updated: 2024-07-13


Note on CATS plugin compatibility with Blender versions (as of July 2024)

General workflow

Optimization walkthrough

I’ll walk through converting a Very Poor avatar to Poor or better on PC, using Kitty Zoe by Pursu as an example. Pursu already makes very optimized avatars and often provides green versions, but this is a special model that only comes as Very Poor.

Unity setup

  1. Create a Unity project and import the model as usual. Make a temporary copy of the avatar to experiment without affecting the original avatar. This copy can be used later to import new models. Select the avatar in Hierarchy, Ctrl+D to duplicate it, and F2 to rename it
